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Natasha Tsakos

Association for Performing Arts conference (APAP) in NYC, January 10-14 was one of the places. The Hilton Hotel where the conference took place became the hub of venues for performing artists, conference attendees and those walking in from the street.

I went to Natasha Tsakos presentation who I heard about from TED Talk. Natasha is a motion and visual performance artist from Geneva, Switzerland, living in Florida. Currently she is the president and founder of NTiD. Check out her website for more information and videos of her shows.

What Natasha does was referred to as “technoperformances”, which combines heavy media and acting. At the APAP she gave a speech about possibilities of technology in near future and its integration into performing arts and theater. 3D media projections show how the boundaries of the stage can be expanded. One of the amazing features that media gives is a quick change of mood, incredible change of scales and patterns. As Natasha says in her speech: “Theater opens the door to imagination”. Her 3D creations made me feel like I am watching someone’s dream – sometimes fast changing and obscure environment that can only be seen in a dream – explosion of imagination brought to the views of others.

Natasha projects 3D animation on the four surfaces. These animations are not special effects, they are her partner on stage which she interacts with. It is interesting to see how through media one can illustrate to the audience what they envision. And how media can be used as a theater design set and as a partner. My personal favorite is her show Climax.

How can that be used in theater and exhibition design so it is an element that brings some exotic or mind-blowing feature?


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