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D.O.M.E. @ Knockdown Center, Queens

“Globular Cluster | D.O.M.E. | Interactive Sculpture, Light & Ambient Music at Knockdown Center, Queens” it said on the printed invitation. The words DOME and Ambient music made me think that the installation would be interesting to check out for the Project Meanwhile.

Located in the middle of nowhere, the Knockdown Center is a huge warehouse. Previously it was a window factory, which now rents out space for performances and weddings. The large spaces are decorated with different types of industrial lamps, which brings a cozy touch, and one massive disco ball. The first reaction of a person used to relatively small spaces in NYC was: “I want to live here, right under the disco ball.”

But lets go back to the very beginning of the experience. It starts with a long walk from the street to the building entrance. The doors are wide open, the ambient sound and the lights of the big and “baby” domes fill up the space. The installation was quite simple and simply beautiful. Different pieces of colorful materials and mirrors were hung on a thread in the middle of the dome. People who entered the dome could add any shape they wanted, thus add to the creation of the atmosphere. The ensemble of hanging pieces was in constant motion creating the flow of colors.

The baby dome was “decorated” with a projected image from the outside. A small drum station was installed inside the dome for people to play (bottom left image). The environment was created with just lights and sound. The simple structure of the domes and decorations made me think of inexpensive and effective ways to create the environments for the Meanwhile. It felt great. My friend and I left the installation energized and ready to explore the neighborhood. My hope is that Meanwhile will also be the window to something new.

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