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Corona Decenii, author P.Jacobo Bartolt

Poland, Sandomiria, 1752

This was my first serious conservation work during my internship at the Russian National Library, which also became one of the thesis projects. This is an 18th century leather binded book with cotton paper. It is always a pleasure to work with cotton paper which increases its PH level very well unlike the cellulose paper. In fact, the cotton paper was made from the old recycled shirts of the serfs. The composition of such material allows the paper to be cleaned and save its propoerties for long years ahead.


This book was a required copy for the Russian National Library in the 19th century. The book “Coroni Decenii” of Jesuitical order was published in Sandomiria, Poland in 1752. The book was in a dark brown leather binding with a blind stamping of Jesuits board on the front and back covers of the book and on its spine. As a result of incorrect conditions of custody the book binding was deformed, a sheet of paper was stuck to the back cover of the book. There were losses of leather and some cracks.  Biological and chemical damages lead to weakening of the mechanical solidity and the binding material. 

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